Our 9 Mag One BPR 40 Motorola radios
Grab and go kit 
2 work horse night vision Sony video
cameras with inferred 
MY Own rig PSB-7 with a DAS 108 speaker
with a digital recorder hand held or table top
Full spectrum Video camera  
SOLO Drone with night vision
Back up Sony night vision video cameras 
Static viewing CCTV Inferred cameras and Digital recorder 
MAC computer with Final Cut 10 for making our shows 
SLS Camera with night vision 
Finding Andrew 
Tesla's coil  
Equipment not shown
Digital Projector
12 foot screen
Full PA system
This is used for our lecture 
Paranormal 101 
If you would like more information on this, and what it is about please use Lynn's contact information 
P-SB 11 with recorder
and digital speaker